Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Frankenmuth with M's troop

Maya and I recently took a day trip with her Girl Scout Troop to downtown Frankenmuth. It was supposed to be a sleepover but Maya didn't want to spend the night and we had church in the morning anyway. As I was doing her hair before we left she said she DID want to sleepover -- we were supposed to leave in 5 minutes. I felt bad that we couldn't do it. She was sulking a bit here and there throughout the day, but we tried to make the most of the time we did have.

The girls had an art lesson first and got to make a few creations and learn about different techniques to earn their artist patch. After that, we all went to dinner at this really good pub. Then we walked around to look at the shops for about an hour and we got some AWESOME fudge, like the best I've ever had. I want some now. It was even better than the fudge we got on Mackinac Island a few years ago. We met back up with the rest of her troop and drove about 5 minutes out of the downtown area to a cute farm. The girls learned about farm life and were taught how to make homemade pretzels. After we had a couple of pretzels, Maya and I got in the car for the hour drive home. It was dark, cold, my contacts were dried out, and I was unfamiliar with the freeway. It was a scary drive and I was very thankful when we finally pulled into the driveway. It snowed a ton that night (after we had already returned home) and church was cancelled the next day. Some of the other moms told me that the drive home in the morning was very scary and dangerous. Glad they all made it back safely too.

Art Class

Maya was so excited to find this bike ice sculpture. She wanted me to take a picture for Nick. There were a lot of great sculptures around town.

Maya's good friend Helena, joined our troop this year. We are so happy! She is such a sweet girl. I loved having one on one time with my girl! It doesn't happen often enough.

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